Car brokerage for dealerships
Why is it beneficial for a dealership to import a vehicle with my help?
The import process becomes simpler and shorter.
Mainly because I will inquire and negotiate about the car chosen by the customer from a German phone number, representing a German company, in German.
Trust as the most important aspect.
In recent years, hundreds of motor vehicles have passed through my hands, so I know how a fast and precise sales process works. Thanks to my fluent, native-level language skills, I help the dear customer in the entire process of concluding the contract and even in the delivery of the vehicles, right up to handing over the keys. I save time and thus money for the trading company, as most of my clients do not speak German fluently, so I can interpret their needs more simply and quickly in every case. I strive to ensure that the parties involved in the concluded transaction are equally satisfied, so that the purchase can be a real, pleasant experience for my client.
No need to maintain an Import section.
It is a significant expense for the company if it maintains its own import department within the trade, considering their additional costs. Over the past few years, I have experienced that the trading companies with whom I have maintained a good partnership for several years are satisfied with my work as an intermediary, so our cooperation is beneficial for them in a financial sense as well.